Relinquishing My Uterus: A Journey of Health, Faith, and Empowerment
Not because it’s common means it’s normal
How Headaches saved my life- part1
healing means the damage can no longer control our lives
Did you know?
DomesticViolence, SexualAbuse, Addiction, Mental Health & Race are connected Substance abuse refers to the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances, including alcohol and illicit drugs. Psychoactive substance use can lead to dependence syndrome – behavioral, cognitive, and physiological phenomena which develop after repeated substance use due to a strong desire to take a drug….
Something from my childhood
One of the things I am most proud of when I talk about growing up in Trinidad is the sense of love I felt as a child. My parents were not wealthy nor had they had an extensive educational background. They may have been limited in the opportunities they were able to afford us compared…
Racism in America –
How we identify with race is powerful. It influences our experiences and shapes our lives. The unfair treatment and oppression of people of color have always been justified and fueled by Racism. Racism is not only about individual mindsets and actions, but racist policies also contribute to the daily persecutions of black & brown people…
Pandemic Alert!
Protecting your Mental health and families during Covid19. As we all struggle to adapt to this new reality of social distancing, face masks, and the uncertainty of what the Covid19 pandemic brings with it, we are also faced with a pandemic all its own- the struggles, duties, and commitments of caring for our loved ones-…